Dr. G has literally saved my life, and not just my physical life. She has nurtured my mind, body, and soul back to health with a love and care that I have never ever seen in the medical field. I remember the first time I sat down and talked with her and as she walked in the door she gave me the biggest hug, knew my name, all about me, and she wanted to know more. We sat, me cross legged on my bed and her on a chair not too far away, and talked about life. She wanted to know me... What I liked to do, the feelings I had... And she had such wisdom and insight. However what stuck out most to me was she listened. She looked me in the eyes with such a tender loving look. She didn't judge. She understood. She heard me with not only her ears but her heart. And as I talked I found myself opening up more and more to her each day because she cared. She would spend as much time as I needed. That is unheard of in the medical world. She never stood at the end of my bed with a clipboard but sat down and conversed, and she always let me know whatever was going on. I felt part of the team. I felt loved and respected, and because of that it gave me a spark of passion to begin life again. Maybe I had something to give the world. Maybe life isn't so bad after all. Maybe I'M not so bad after all. God has given Dr. G a very unique gift of depth of understanding and nurture. In the eating disorder world, those two things are crucial and without them, healing is impossible. I can definitively say that Dr. G is the bridge that God uses to get across from a cold, wet, dying land into a warm, sunny and blossoming land full of life and hope. I am so blessed and so thankful to have had Dr. G care for me and I can also say that if she hadn't, I would not be here today. That is a hard fact. --R